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Known only as Jack, he is one of the only humans ever to successfully live among the Orcs, and is the only one to ever thrive among them.

Totally shrouded in mystery, his past is nothing but a collection of stories told to scare people into fearing him. And although his real name is mystery, utter his name in the Horde and watch as people begin acting differently.

A typical mobster, he used time-tested methods of recruiting people into his gang: making feel like they were part of a family, the promise of wealth and reward, and the like. He draws many Hobgoblins to his cause, because they are not as accepted in the Horde as the Orcs, and find acceptance in his gang. Over the years his gang has grown incredibly big and spreads further and further underground into the Horde's territory, becoming a problem for even the villainous Orcs.

Jack would refer to himself as just a businessman. His business started out mainly as extortion, and has expanded into pretty much anything that anyone needs. Need something moved from one end of the Horde's territory to the other without anyone knowing about it? Jack's go the manpower and the resources to get it done - for a price. Need a guy run out of business? Jack's got your back. Need someone rubbed out? Just give him a name and a few days. But beyond all those resources he's got the respect to get these jobs done. He knows his men carrying out their various tasks won't be trifled with because people have learned not to mess with Jack. They know that messing with his people is more trouble than it's worth, and for that reason his business continues to thrive. Though he's had to use the business model of violence and intimation to get this reputation, he's established and maintained it well.

Jack rarely, if ever, is seen by the public or even his 'business partners', as he refers to his men. He's managed to keep himself in the shadows, only being seen by the people he chooses to reveal himself to, but he is known to do jobs himself if he deems they need his expertise. He attributes this as the reason he continues to draw breath. It is said that no one survives a face-to-face meeting with Jack, but one wonders if that's true how that story gets perpetuated.


After the Fall of Korhal, Jack began to expand his territory into the fallen capital. He was doing well but did not foresee that law enforcement would be taken more seriously here due to the Catfolks, and the proximity of the Witch's palace. He was captured and made resident of Blackford Asylum. After bribing an orderly he escaped and unmoved by this experience immediately took to his old ways. Again he miscalculated, and didn't predict the desire to which the Catfolk did not want to be made a fool of. They used all their forces to find him and even hunted him with the dreaded Kaylas.

Interaction with the Party

"You think you can cause trouble, in MY territory, and get away with it? Well then, you don't know Jack." - Jack

When the party arrived and began to make trouble he decided to handle it personally, to make an example for the people of Korhal of what happened to people who caused his operation trouble. He subdued them and choose randomly one of them to survive (in order to tell others what happens to those who mess with Jack) and bound the rest and dropped them into a frozen pond. The local law-enforcement came and Jack and his men were scared off, leaving the party an opportunity to escape their predicament.

With his gigantic network, Jack found out that the party survived and did not want it to get out that there Jack could be challenged, and those that did it could live. He made it top priority to capture them, and succeeded. After meeting them again he intended to beat them each to death with a hammer, leaving no survivors. Before he was able to fulfill his plan, the Headless Hunter found his prey, and scared Jack off, leaving his men and the party to deal with the Hunter.

Having the party elude him twice did not sit well with him, and Jack redoubled his efforts to capture these men. The party set a trap and set out Artemis disguised as one of them as bait so they could follow Jack's men back to his hideout. They did so and ambushed Jack, handing him over to the authorities, who had also closed in on Jack's whereabouts. Though, if Jack had not assigned so many men to try and find the party, and had the party not dispensed with Jack's lookout, he would of evaded the authorities before they even arrived. His obsession had become his downfall.


Jack was reimprisoned at Blackford and was going to escape again. One day the orderly heard Helter Skelter whispering to him all night and Jack crying. In the morning Barney found him dead at bed check, somehow Skelter had convinced him to swallow his own tongue.

See Helter Skelter for more information.
